How to pick the right oil for your low porosity hair! 

How to pick the right oil for your low porosity hair! 
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The first step in getting the most out of shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products is to understand your hair’s texture or porosity. Make sure you thoroughly read out this blog to have a deeper understanding in case the porosity of your hair is at a low level! 


The definition of low porosity hair? 

To find out the right solution for hair status, readers need to figure out what is the low porosity exactly first thing first. 

The ability of the hair to absorb and hold moisture, color, or any other sort of liquid in the cuticle of the hair is referred to as porosity. Knowing your hair’s porosity can help you select the best hair care products and treatments, saving you time and effort while styling or caring for your hair at home.


Especially for hair extensions, the hair is not connected to the scalp to get moisture or nutrients, hair care is even more necessary. No matter whether the hair extensions are from a reliable wholesale hair distributor or a hair retailer, hair salon, etc, hair care is always of importance.

The cuticle is frequently closed in hair with low porosity, preventing moisture from entering the hair. This means that the nutrients you supply won’t be absorbed completely. As a result, the hair will become dry, greasy, and may even result in a significant amount of hair loss. Dealing with so many issues at once would be difficult.

The types of oil and how to pick the right one? 

You can check out the details of some popular hair oil for low porosity hair and find out the best brightest candidate for your hair texture and freely apply the best hair trend in the end!

Due to the density of cuticles, readers need to avoid heavy oil which makes the challenge for your hair to absorb nutrients. To make sure your hair becomes soft, smooth, you need to utilize mild oils which are hassle- free to absorb, compared to other specific oils.

  • Argan oil: It’s a vegetable oil derived from the Argan tree’s kernels. Argan oil is a nutrient-rich natural oil with a clear golden color and a faint aroma that is used in culinary, wound healing, pain management, and cosmetic skin care, and hair is not an exception because it includes vitamin E, vital fatty acids, and a variety of other nutrients. As previously said, if you have low porosity hair, this is a feasible option. This oil has a lot of moisture-binding characteristics. As soon as you apply argan oil for low porosity hair, your hair will be protected and look more healthy and moisturized.


  • Almond oil: Almonds are an antioxidant-rich nut that has a natural abundance of vitamin E, as well as very high amounts of important fats and proteins, and are appreciated for their ability to protect silky hair. Originating from an almond tree, almond oil is famous for the King of Nuts, a definitely a good pick for low porosity hair. The moisture ability of almond oil makes a great contribution to the radiance and softness of hairstyles, also removing the low porosity for hair as well. 


  • Grapeseed oil: This formula is highly appreciated for oily scalp. Grapeseed oil is extracted from leftover grape seed with a range of uses for hair. For such a long time, grapeseed oil is used mainly for hair, particularly for thin hair, also for the low porosity hair of users as it supplies hydration and nutrients for hair’s growth.  Plus, this hair oil is considered an anti- heat agent for hairstyles as well. 


  • Coconut oil: Admittedly, users are definitely accustomed to the use of coconut oil for many decades. This oil nourishes hair from the inside, penetrates every single hair strand to make sure your hair is hydrated with proper porosity.Coconut oil is likely the perfect choice for natural hair texture, such as curly girls who love their kinks or coils. Using this hair oil also makes a great favorable condition for hair penetration as much.
